sometimes, you forget to bring your mouse at your workplace or it may be the case that you are not able to use your mouse due to some technical reason . If you are facing any of the above problem then you are at right place . i have solution for this . surprising thing is that window has facility to use your keyboard as mouse , but people don’t know. So , update your knowledge if you are among those people . Just follow the below mentioned steps and use your keyboard as mouse:
1. Press Alt + Shift(left) + Numlock keys. After pressing , a dialog box will open.
it will ask ” Do you want to turn on mouse keys ? ” click on yes.
it will ask ” Do you want to turn on mouse keys ? ” click on yes.
2. You have done this . Now mouse eys are enabled on your computer .You will see
a mousekey icon on your taskbar.
a mousekey icon on your taskbar.
3. your Numlock must be off when you are using mousekeys.
4. Now you will be able to use 8, 2, 4 and 6 keys of Numpad as move up,
move down ,left and right respectively.
move down ,left and right respectively.
There are many third party programs available online which are free to use. As for example, ” Neat Mouse ” . you can install anyone of these programs on your pc and can use your keyboard as mouse.
Er. Raju Ranjan