If you want that your website or blog should be crawled by search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing then it is necessary to submit a sitemap to these search engines. If you don’t have a sitemap then you can create it here (http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/). So to submit your website’s or blog’s sitemap to these search engines follow these steps:
- Log in to Webmaster Tools (http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/).
- Now on the Webmaster Tools home page, at first click on the “Add a site” button after that enter your URL. Now Follow the instructions on the page to verify your website/blog.
- After your site has been verified, click on “Site configuration” in the left menu to display more options then select “Sitemaps”. Click on the “Submit a Sitemap” button and fill in the sitemap location with “sitemap.xml”.
- Open the site explorer . now enter your site url in the yellow “My Sites” box on the right. Sign in.
- Now Your site name will appear with a yellow dot on the right indicating “New” status. Click on the dot to begin the authentication process.
- After authentication, click on the site name and select “Feeds” from the left menu and fill in the sitemap location with “sitemap.xml”.
Bing (MSN)
- At first Log in to the Webmaster Center (http://www.bing.com/webmaster).
- After that Enter your website/blog url and sitemap location. After that proceed with the instructions given on the page to authenticate your site.
In this way you can submit sitemap to search engines.